In preparation for our journey and change of venue we got rid of most of our stuff in Miami. It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate over time. We didn’t have too much of a hard time parting with our belongings thanks to good friends who took some stuff off our hands and college hunks hauling junk that took the rest to charity. There was one challenge in that both Erik and I had some childhood stuffed animals saved. We had placed them in the give away pile and became very sad. Ok, I admit it, I started crying. We came up with the perfect solution and kept Erik’s Snoopy. It was given to him by his grandmother. My sister Susan and I also had Snoopy so I have a connection to him as well. Snoopy has been with us for the entire trip and sits up front in the car with us.
We decided that we had to bring Snoopy to Needles, California where his brother Spike lives. Needles is seemingly in the middle of nowhere on the border of California and Arizona, close to Nevada. Snoopy was excited to finally make it to Needles!
Anne · February 14, 2020 at 5:14 pm
That photo (of Erik, Spike and Snoopy) is priceless!!! Can I get a copy?
Ann · February 14, 2020 at 11:33 pm
Karen and Susan’s Snoopy were not nearly as cLean as Erik’s! They were definitely well loved! It looks like Erik was very careful of his. Your trip so far has been extremely interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Susan · February 17, 2020 at 1:35 am
Alex, I’ll take “The things you didn’t know about those you love” for priceless. Crying now, thanks for the beautiful story.
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