Having finished the critical repairs, we set off on a first cruise. The barometer says fair, and it’s five o’clock…

OK, the clock doesn’t really work, but the barometer seems to. The weather really is fair, unlike what we expected in Seattle.

The view from our marina, in cloudy, rainy Seattle.

And the sails work. We tested her upwind sailing ability and dumped the contents of the salon shelves over the course of a few tacks. We’re currently anchored in Blakely Harbor, just across the sound from the city.

Some idiot blocking our view of the Seattle skyline (barely visible through the miserable rain and fog).

We also tested our new dinghy and outboard.



John Lichty · April 14, 2020 at 7:42 pm

Cruising appears to be the best possible social distancing method! How’s the water temperature?

    erik.noonburg · April 15, 2020 at 2:29 am

    The water is chilly, maybe 45F? Swimming might have to wait until summer.

Kev · April 22, 2020 at 2:36 pm

I was going to suggest taking measurements from the eisenglass cockpit enclosure of the idiot blocking your view, but I see you don’t seem to need any stinkin’ cockpit enclosure. And the mountains in the distance…Ranier? beauty!

Carol and randy · April 24, 2020 at 9:42 pm

Looks like your adjusting to the cruising life…so happy for you two!!

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