Happy New Year to all! We packed up the mini cooper with all the gear necessary for a several month “glamping” trip across the country and departed Miami in the morning on December 31st. We are currently having a fantastic visit with family in Central Florida and Tampa area. Ran into a snag on the way to family in Central Florida with a car overheating problem. Thankfully, the problem occurred while we were departing from a quick lunch stop along the way. We immediately pulled over once the warning light went off, to a handy dandy auto parts store that happened to be right there. With some extra coolant added, we made it to our destination without issue. Took the car into the shop to find out that the small coolant leak repair was going to be REALLY EXPENSIVE, i.e. as much as the car was worth. Ok, clearly time to replace the car! We flipped into emergency procurement mode and within 24 hours were driving an inexpensive old 2003 Toyota RAV4 off the used car lot. We are sad that the mini cooper had to be replaced, but admit that the extra space in the RAV4 is a nice luxury. We are off tomorrow to the Florida panhandle to visit the Saint Marks Wildlife Refuge, St. George State Park, then Blackwater River State Park.

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Ann Arndt · January 9, 2020 at 5:06 pm

Your visit to us was a wonderful family reunion. Your adventure has begun with lots a new things ahead. Enjoy.

Susan · January 9, 2020 at 10:19 pm

Hi! We are still sick believe it or not. Mini improvements, but not enough to our liking. Sorry about your Mini- but love the Rav4, you will def enjoy the extra room. That’s what our niece drove from Richmond out to Oregon. Glad you are off on your adventures. Look forward to hearing about your panhandle excursion. 😘

    Karen Arndt · January 11, 2020 at 5:34 pm

    So sorry you are still sick, get better soon! Looking forward to seeing you when we return in March!

Kevin McShane · January 10, 2020 at 5:51 pm

Darn it, I love the look of that Mini packed to the gunwales. Oh well, you’ve traded for one of the more practical and reliable cars on the market. Three of my discerning pals have the Rav and love it. Ran in to Bob and Trish and they did a solo overnighter with good success, good weather and holding…and swimming. Becky and I have both had to replace our VHF antennas…top of the mast adventures. We miss you, and look forward to your visit. Always welcome in Denver during the Summers. Kev

Carol Cottrell · January 11, 2020 at 4:59 am

Glad you are back on road. Love the post. Did New Years overnight by Nixon’s. toasting you guys. Missing you already!!!

    Karen Arndt · January 11, 2020 at 5:37 pm

    Missing you guys too. Glad you had a great New Years!

Pam Reidy · January 11, 2020 at 8:51 am

Karen: Do you remember our “Rav-4” catch phrase from our FSU days after Julie bought one? How funny that you bought that very car as you headed back to the area near our old stomping grounds. Keep those blog posts coming! It will be a delight to live vicariously through you and Erik.

    Karen Arndt · January 11, 2020 at 5:37 pm

    Ha! I thought of the RAV4 and our previous visits to this area. Can’t believe we didn’t spend more time in these amazing parks when we lived here.

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