We enjoyed our trip to the mountains, but it is always nice to get home as well. Time for some needed boat maintenance projects! Our diver, Brian came and scraped the hull and replaced the zincs on the prop shaft. Thankfully, this task is only required every six months. The water is cold here, so our diver suits up in full commercial dive gear. A little different than completing this task in Miami, which can be done in a bathing suit.

It as also time for varnishing, which can only be accomplished in the summer since it is too cold in the winter. We will spare you all the details, but we varnished the cabin sole, the head, the galley and the v berth. What a mess!

The summer has been a lot of fun with friends on the dock. It is crab season and we went out with a few friends to haul in their crab traps. Yum, Dungeness crab for dinner!

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1 Comment

Kevin McShane · August 17, 2021 at 1:33 pm

Hi guys,
All I ever see are blue skies in your photos…what’s the deal? I thought the PNW was a soggy rain drenched area with residents in search of coffee bars. Are they trying to keep out the crowds from the lower 47?
Well, good on ya for choosing well, and making some new, good friends.
We miss you wherever you are.
Personally, the delta variant will keep me from flying anywhere.
I’d like to have a subscribe option with a ping reminder when you guys post a newsletter, like the O’Kellys on YouTube: Sailing Clarity. And Covid is playing havoc with La Vagabond too.
The times we live in, huh?

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