The last few months has brought some interesting weather. We had a white Christmas and a week of record cold and snow around the holidays. The temperatures were in the teens and twenties for a week with about 8 inches of snow that hung around. This is very unusual for Anacortes. The snow was beautiful, but we were glad to see it go after a week. It felt a little like living in an igloo. Looking out the hatches and portlights, you only saw ice. Thankfully we kept warm inside! I also forgot how difficult it is to do simple things like push the grocery cart to the car when trudging through snow.
With the snow melted in Anacortes, we took the opportunity to enjoy playing in the mountains. We snowshoed in the Central Cascades and near Mount Baker. We also went cross county skiing in Winthrop, WA and Snoqualmie Pass.
We have enjoyed our water based activities with really nice weather in mid January and February.
Of course, there is always boat projects. We insulated the heater ductwork in the boat and got removable covers made for the windows on our dodger.
We have had some really nice weather recently. Unfortunately, the daffodils seem to be confused. It is still only mid February. Is spring around the corner?